Rapid NetSuite Project Recovery & Rescue

Factors Outside of the Implementation Partner’s Control Contributing to NetSuite Implementation Failures

NetSuite implementations can fail for a variety of reasons, many of which are outside of the control of the partner.

    • Ambiguous or impractical specifications

These include a lack of clear project specifications from clients, or unrealistic expectations. In these cases, it is difficult for partners to provide an accurate timeline and budget for the project since the scope has not been clearly defined. This often leads to delays and cost overruns.

    • Lack of commitment from client stakeholders

It is essential for all stakeholders to be committed to the project and engaged in the process. If any parties lack enthusiasm or fail to dedicate time and resources to the project, then it can lead to delays and confusion.

    • Adapting requirements during the implementation phase

Changes to the scope of work during an implementation can lead to delays and could even derail the project. If changes do arise, it is important to discuss them with the partner beforehand in order to determine how they will impact timelines and budgets.

    • Delays and bureaucratic processes

Delays in approvals or other bureaucratic processes can lead to implementation problems. For example, if the client counterparts fails to adhere to scheduled meetings or provide feedback in a timely manner, then the project could be delayed

    • Insufficient internal resources

In some cases, clients may not have the necessary resources or personnel to adequately support a NetSuite implementation. This can lead to delays while waiting for internal resources to become available or additional external personnel being hired.

Partner-Related Causes of NetSuite Implementation Failures

In addition to issues outside of the partner’s control, there are also a number of partner-related factors that can lead to project failure.

    • Poor change management processes

Partners need to have effective change management processes in place to ensure that any changes made during the implementation process are managed efficiently and do not cause further problems.

    • Lack of experience or expertise

Partners should have the necessary experience and expertise to successfully complete a project. If their skills are lacking then the partner may struggle to meet the requirements of the client and could even lead to project failure.

    • Poor quality control processes

Partners need to have adequate processes in place for testing and quality assurance. Without these, errors or issues can go unnoticed until they become an issue that needs addressing, which can lead to delays in the project.

    • Oversold solutions/ products

Partners should be honest and transparent with clients about the capabilities and limitations of their products, and should not oversell solutions that will not meet their needs. This can cause delays and frustration if the product does not live up to expectations. 

The solution for failed NetSuite implementations and/or failed data migrations.

Because of unforeseen circumstances, changes in project scope, specific business requirements, or even mismanagement of the project, some NetSuite implementations inevitably fail. The problems encountered can have long-term negative effects on the overall implementation process, which can potentially disrupt the business’s day-to-day operations.

To help businesses get back on track, we provide Rapid Assessment, Health Check, Back-up, Advisory, and Project Rescue Services. We have developed our own re-implementation and optimization models and in-house tools to ensure the success of our projects. And what sets our NetSuite rescue or recovery program apart from other implementers is our great emphasis on maintaining the highest level of data quality and accuracy.

Complement and Extend Your SuiteSuccess Engagement

We acknowledge that NetSuite is extremely broad and deep, and cookie-cutter and templated implementations rarely produce optimal results.  Our services are designed to complement and extend your SuiteSuccess engagement.

Below we outline the phases of our NetSuite rescue service:

NetSuite Project Recovery Health Check 

We start by engaging with key stakeholders within the company and identifying risk factors and developing solutions to help tackle challenges through industry best practices.

Our in-house assessment tool will provide you with a detailed analysis of your current NetSuite system. The report will give you clear visibility into the health of your system and what needs to be fixed in order for your business to run more smoothly.

NetSuite Rescue: Implementation Recovery 

This phase involves the actual implementation of recovery. We tackle the issues identified during the Project Recovery Assessment stage and we implement best practice solutions. This can include anything from data migration to process redesign to user training.

Project Closure, Go-Live & Training 

This phase is the final stage of the Rapid NetSuite Project Recovery & Rescue service where we help you go live with your new and improved NetSuite. We ensure that your system is stable and all the data is accurate before going live. This phase also includes training your staff to ensure that they are comfortable using the system.

Optimization & On-going Support 

Our service does not end with implementation. After the implementation is complete, we work with you to optimize your NetSuite system. This includes fine-tuning processes, customizations, and integrations. We also provide on-going support to ensure that your NetSuite system continues to run smoothly. The goal is to ensure that your business can take advantage of NetSuite to the fullest.

Have an implementation challenge?

We’ll help you out of a jam. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you recover from a failed NetSuite implementation. Send us an email at info@excelym.com or visit our NetSuite services page.

For pricing and additional information, please contact us via the form below and we will respond to you immediately.

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