5 Most Common Mistakes Made by NetSuite Administrators

Last Modified: February 2nd, 2022

4 min read

When it comes to NetSuite administration, there are a number of mistakes that many administrators make. These mistakes can cost the company money and time which is why they must be avoided at all costs. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 common NetSuite Administration mistakes made by admins so you can avoid them in your own business!

1. Not knowing how to use the system correctly.

The first common mistake made by NetSuite Administrators is not knowing how to use the system correctly. Oftentimes, new administrators are thrown in the deep end and don’t know where to start. The best way to avoid this problem is through proper training with a certified instructor at your local office or company headquarters who can walk you through the basics of NetSuite.

Administrators are also at risk of not knowing how to set up and configure the system on their own because it can be a complicated process, but it’s imperative that they know what features work best for their business needs so they can use them seamlessly in conjunction with each other.

2. Not understanding the different levels of access in NetSuite.

The second common mistake made by NetSuite Administrators is not understanding the different levels of access in NetSuite. When most people first start using a new system, they automatically assume that everyone has full permissions to edit everything within it. This isn’t always true for admins because there are multiple levels of security and if you don’t understand the hierarchy, you might accidentally grant someone too much access.

This is why it’s important to take time and walk through NetSuite permissions before altering anything because once permission has been granted, it can’t be undone without affecting other parts of the system as well. The best thing for admins to do in this situation is set up a permissions hierarchy before granting anything.

3. Not setting up their security settings correctly, which can lead to data breaches and other problems.

The third common mistake made by NetSuite Administrators is not setting up their security settings correctly, which can lead to data breaches and other problems. This problem usually occurs when admins are too preoccupied with what they’re doing in the system that they don’t take time to set things up properly from day one. The best way for admins to avoid this problem is by making security settings a priority and doing it as soon as possible so that they don’t have to worry about any breaches or malfunctions in the future.

Admins should never underestimate the importance of properly configuring their security levels, especially if there are multiple users involved because all changes made must be set with proper permissions from the start.

4. No change management/ release management expertise

The fourth common mistake made by NetSuite Administrators is not having change management expertise. The best way to avoid this problem as an admin, especially if you’re part of a large team or company that relies on NetSuite for day-to-day operations, is to have someone dedicated to making changes and managing the process from start to finish to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

If you have no change management expertise in-house, it’s a good idea to hire an outside consultant or company who can assist with this process for your business because the team will be able to create and maintain documented procedures of how changes are made which is imperative for any NetSuite administrator looking to grow their business.

5. Not having an emergency plan for when things go wrong at work or home so you’re not scrambling to find a solution in the middle of something that can’t wait.

Another thing that many NetSuite administrators forget about is having an emergency plan for when things go wrong at work or home so you’re not scrambling to find a solution in the middle of something that can’t wait. One way admins and business owners alike are able to deal with this problem is by using their NetSuite system to automate tasks and processes that would take up time if they were done manually. This is because automated tasks can be set as triggers so you know when a task needs attention without having to worry about it all the time, which will make admins better prepared for any issues that come up in the future.

Admins should never underestimate the importance of having an emergency plan when things do go wrong because not being prepared could lead to a situation where admins are scrambling trying to figure out what they need in order to get back on track.

NetSuite is a powerful business management suite for modern enterprises. It can be utilized to simplify and automate tasks that would take up time if done manually, which in turn frees up admins from having to worry about things all the time. This article has explored some of the most common mistakes made by NetSuite’s Administrators while trying to manage their systems, such as forgetting to back up data or grant permissions correctly. If you want your system configured properly so it works according to how you need it to work without any malfunctions, contact us today! We will provide an expert team who knows how best to achieve success with this platform and avoid these problems altogether.

Serge is a Managing Partner and the head of sales and business development.

Published on: August 6, 2021
